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"To the make of a piper go seven years of his own learning and seven generations before...
At the end of his seven years, one born to it will stand at
the start of knowledge,
and lending a fond ear to the drone, he may have parley with old folks of old affairs.”
Neil Munro, The Lost Pibroch
Sean Patrick Regan is a 3rd-generation piper and a 4th-generation teacher. Consistently ranked among the top solo competitors in the Eastern United States Pipe Band Association, and with a 20-year track record of supporting music education, his path was set when he realized a singular passion in teaching and performance at the age of 12.
Seven years later he followed that passion into higher education, first earning a
Bachelor of Arts in Music Education, and then a Master of Music Performance, using the Great Highland Bagpipe as his
major instrument.

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